Friday, January 23, 2015


This post is a bit dated but here are some photos of the driveway being paved this fall. How nice it is to drive on asphalt rather than dirt :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Where are you?

I have a suggestion for all who are creating a farm site: clearly put your farm's location on your site, and make it obvious to any of your site's visitors.

As a teacher I can't help but "instruct" people. Truthfully, though, I not only teach students how to make good websites, I am also a consumer of the internet, so I know what I'm talking about. I am always searching farm sites for information and photos and ideas, and I cannot tell you how often I stumble upon sites that do not give their geographic location, only a phone number or email address. Is the farm nearby? 'Across the county? 'Across the country?? It seems like a small thing but it's not.

Okay, I'm done with my web design lesson of the day :)

This map isn't really related to this post but I did find it interesting :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Biz Card

It's official: Lake Orchard Farm is registered - complete with tattoos for future goats - with both the Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association and the American Goat Society. This is so exciting! The farm will have it's first "ad" on St. Andrew's Lenten Fish Fry place mats this year even though we don't currently offer any goats for sale. I guess I'm just proud of the fact that I live on a real farm which has been a lifelong dream of mine :)